Important Context

If you haven't used my YouTube channel yet, these videos will introduce you to it (while it still exists). Please watch these videos so you can have a better context for everything that you learn in this course, and in any of my other materials.

  1. The Context of Miracles.
  2. Holistic Healing Quick Intro.
  3. The Vitagenics Protocol
  4. Understanding Detox

For the key products discussed in those videos, you can find them here:

PBX and PB Zeolite

(First time buyers can contact me for a $50 gift certificate)

(Or, if you want ONLY the PBX, first time buyers can get an 82% Discount on PBX Zeolite, which totals less than $14, with free shipping in several countries, and the same money back guarantee)

For more support on using and understanding the products and protocols:

(We can do video, voice, or whatever is comfortable for you, and you'll get a recording of the session and a followup email with written guidance)

(Join with voice, video, text, or just watch. You can watch any of the recordings and bonus materials too at your leisure).

(We are currently allowing anyone into the group (as long as they follow the rules). Over time we will be migrating to other platforms that offer better security and less censorship)

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